So here is the story of how he proposed :)
So, as previously stated, Jason and I got engaged on my birthday this August. It was amazing because I was not expecting it at all! We had to work that day (lame) and I was at a customers house way late because this italian lady was being ridiculous! Anyways, we had to drive an hour back to the hotel we were staying at in Syracuse, NY and I was kinda ornery because of that lady. I was so frustrated that I said we shouldn't go to dinner anymore because it was so late. Jason convinced me that we should still go out, and I told him we should just go straight there and not change out of our work clothes. So he then convinced me that we should stop first and change.(lol)
We had originally planned on going to Texas Roadhouse, but since it was so late, we had to change plans and decided to go to Applebees because thats all that was open. We got the address and Jason put it in his GPS and we started driving. Somehow, we ended up in downtown Syrcause by this huge fountain and Jason said he wanted to get out of the car and walk around for a minute. :)
We walked over by the fountain and we were just talking and stuff and he asked me if I wanted my birthday present. Of course I said yes! So he had me turn around, and he handed me a small box. I opened up the box and there was a note inside that read "Melissa, I know you only wanted one thing for your birthday so.....turn around..."
I turned around and he was on one knee and he proposed! It was so amazing, I have never been happier in my life!! It was so sweet and creative I couldn't have loved it any more. Oh yeah, I said yes!
By the time we got back to the car and drove to Applebees, they were closing, so we ended up going out to Denny's for our celebratory dinner! It was pretty funny, but still awesome!
So, we are getting married on November 15 at the Northampton House in American Fork and we are soooo excited! Now were just working on getting it all planned.. FUN!!